Caring for your book flowers is an easy process. With just a few simple tips and tricks your flowers will maintain their beauty for many decades to come!

Over time, ultraviolet rays of sunlight deteriorate paper by weakening the fibers and fading the color. Keep your flowers looking their best by displaying them in an area with indirect light and avoid direct sunlight whenever possible.
If direct sunlight can not be avoided, periodically rotate your arrangement to ensure the effects of the sun are even across the entire arrangement.
Frequent and large swings in room temperature can negatively impact your paper flowers. Keeping them out of the direct path of heating and cooling air vents can help them from deteriorating as fast. Storage in locations that experience large swings in temperature, such as attics or storage units, should also be avoided.
Just like every other surface in a home, your flowers will likely need dusting at some point. The easiest method for achieving this is to lightly dust with a feather duster. You can also try blowing the dust away. Use a hair dryer on both the low and cool settings or a can of compressed air, held about a foot back from the surface of the flowers.
If your flowers have gone without being dusted for a long time, wiping with a dry towel or q-tip across all surfaces may be necessary.
A great way to avoid the need for dusting is to display your flowers under a cloche or inside a terrarium.
With a little care, your flowers can maintain their original beauty for decades!